A day and date release via VOD/Theatrical is planned for the film, which currently has a 63 on Metacritic. Despite the tepid reception, “The Stars at Noon” surprisingly won the Grand Prix at Cannes (basically, third place). The film has no awards prospects lined up for it, especially after the cool reception it garnered at Cannes. Know what? It’s not the total trainwreck many would have you believe. The first half is quite solid, but it completely falls apart in the choppy second hour. I’d be more than willing to give “The Stars at Noon” a rewatch, it builds excellent atmosphere and is only hampered by tonal inconsistencies in its second half. It’s sure as hell better than Denis’ other 2022 film, the soapy “Both Sides of the Blade.” Fact of the matter is that Denis rushed ‘Stars’ for Cannes competition, so maybe she’s tightened things up in the editing room for the film’s North American premiere at NYFF next month. Contribute Hire me

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